Operating within three ports across
the Humber Estuary
The Humber Estuary is the most effective route for waterborne cargo to and from the industrial heartland of the United Kingdom. Leading on to a key waterway network, which services a significant area of the UK. The River Humber is accessible by an established motorway and road network, on both the north and south banks, allowing accelerated and cost effective transit, to the major centres of manufacturing and population.
Global Shipping Services positioning across the estuary, provide the ideal locations from which to coordinate and manage transhipment ready for further road, rail or waterborne transport into the UK. Major investment within the region has contributed to the modernisation of its sea ports, airports and road links. Attracting further international industries and increasing its commerce capacity and accessibility through the Humber gateways.
The Port of Goole
Global Shipping Services operate two terminals within the Port of Goole, these are West Dock and Ouse Dock, with access to over 500m of berths throughout the Port. In addition we operate with over 89,000sq ft of covered storage and 12 acres of open storage.
The Port of Hull
Based on King George and Queen Elizabeth Docks in Hull, for over 30 years. Global Shipping Services operate as ‘Common User’ licenced stevedores and terminal operators. From here we can support our customers with access to over 2000m of berths, over 500,000sq ft of covered…
The Port of Immingham
The UK’s largest Port by tonnage. Global Shipping Services operate a 16 acre terminal within Immingham Inner Dock, with access to three multi-purpose berths allowing the berthing of vessels up to 200m long with crane capacity up to 100 tonnes.